Small is beautiful IV
Referate VII
Moderation: Johannes Kotschy
Raphael Ophaus (DEU)
Microtonality as a structural Element in Michael Quell's Works for Guitar
Sam Cave (GBR)
Resonance, Overtones and Miniature Voices: Aspects of my recent Compositions
Nicolà Visalì (ITA)
Introduction to fractal Music: Analysis of “Sutra” for Carrillo Piano, Fokker Organ and electric Guitar
Referate VIII
Moderation: Agustín Castilla-Ávila
Tolgahan Çogulu (TUR), Atlas Çoğulu (TUR) und Ruşen Can Acet (TUR)
Lego microtonal Guitar for playing microtonal Music and teaching Music Theory
Rami Chahin (DEU)
Microtonal Music Classifications in Theory and Education
Dan Lippel (USA)
Ken Ueno's Ghost Flower for guitar in an overtone based scordatura
Referate IX
Moderation: Agustín Castilla-Ávila
Felipe Pinto d’Aguiar (CHL)
2 Pieces for solo Guitar and 1 Piece for 33 Guitars utilizing microtonal Scordatura
Andrew Watts (USA)
Tensio Novum: Microtonal Approaches to the Guitar in the Music of Brian Ferneyhough
David Fiuczynski (USA)
Mozart said “the best musicians in the world are birds” – microtonal Melodic and harmonic Chord Scale Possibilities based on Bird Song Transcriptions