Rolf Maedel
Rolf Maedel, composer and music theorist. Born on in Berlin, Germany, died on in Salzburg, Austria. He studied at the Staatliche Akademische Hochschule für Musik in Berlin with W. Wolf (piano), K. Thomas (Choir conductorship), W. Gmeindel (conducting) and E. Pepping (composition). During World War II, he participated in so-called "Wehrmacht"-tours; one of them led through Salzburg. Due to its success, he got the chance for two study visits at the Mozarteum in Salzburg, taught by C. Krauss, W. Lampe, F. Frischenschlager, and M. Zallinger.
After World War II, first Rolf Maedel was a self-employed artist. Under the impression of Johann Nepomuk David, he wrote in this time numerous compositions for piano, chamber music, and songs. He went on tours and made concert trips across Europe, among others, as a member of the Salzburger Kammertrio, as a conductor and as an assistant of Bernhard Paumgartner. Since 1947, he was teaching at the Mozarteum Academy Salzburg, and in 1976, he was appointed full college professor.
As from 1970, he devoted himself to research and systematization of microtones, together with Franz Richter Herf. This led to the development of the Ekmelic Music. In 1974, he was co-founder of the Institute for Basic Musical Research. His works were issued in several publications and presented repeatedly in the ORF and ZDF (Germany).
- Rolf Maedel, Franz Herf: Ekmelische Musik. Möglichkeiten der Erweiterung unseres Tonsystems. Special edition of the Institute for Basic Musical Research at the Hochschule für Musik und darstellende Kunst „Mozarteum“ in Salzburg. Salzburg .
- Rolf Maedel: Das transzendentale Tonsystem. In: Schriften der Hochschule Mozarteum. No. 1, Katzbichler, München/Salzburg .
- Rolf Maedel, Franz Richter Herf: Ekmelische Musik. In: Schriften der Hochschule Mozarteum. No. 4, Katzbichler, München/Salzburg , ISBN 3-87397-473-8.
- Rolf Maedel: Mikrotöne. Aufbau, Klangwert, Beziehungen. Edition Helbling, Innsbruck/Neu-Rum .
- Rolf Maedel, Franz Richter Herf: Ekmelische Musik. Edition Helbling, Innsbruck/Neu-Rum (Pub. No. 3916).
- Rolf Maedel: Mikrotonale Funktionsmodelle. In: Franz Richter Herf (ed.): Mikrotöne I. Report about the international Symposium, Microtone Research, Music with Microtones, Ekmelic Music, – in Salzburg, Austria. Edition Helbling, Innsbruck/Neu-Rum , ISBN 3-900590-01-X, pp. 185–189.
- --: Transformation. In: Franz Richter Herf (ed.): Mikrotöne II. Report about the 2nd international Symposium, Microtone Research, Music with Microtones, Ekmelic Music, – in Salzburg, Austria. Edition Helbling, Innsbruck/Neu-Rum .
- --: Erweiterung der traditionellen Funktionstheorie auf Mikrotonbereiche. In: Horst-Peter Hesse (ed.): Mikrotöne IV. Report about the 4th international Symposium, Microtone Research, Music with Microtones, Ekmelic Music, – in Salzburg, Austria. Musikedition Nymphenburg, München .
- --: Zurück zu den Quellen. Beziehungen zwischen Tonsystemen – ein Vergleich. In: P. Neubäcker and Freies Musikzentrum München (ed.): Harmonik und Glasperlenspiel 1993. .